If we had no winter shots, the spring would not be so pleasant...
- Anne Bradstreet |
Notes and News
Event Calendar
New calendar coming for 2005
The 2004 Annual River Cleanup
The remnants of hurricane Ivan pretty much doused our Annual River Cleanup. Some folks in Hudson did work in the rain, and the Westborough team has rescheduled for October 16th. See our events page for details on the cleanup, dripping wet photos from Hudson, and how you can sign up to volunteer in Westborough. Click here for latest updates.
Geotrashing - A new way to help keep the Assabet River clean
OAR is starting an experimental program if we can use GPS to locate large cleanup items on the river. Read more about Geotrashing.
Welcome to the Organization for the Assabet River's online home. Stop by often to see updates and feel free to comment on our site or the cause.
Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of
strength that will endure as long as life lasts. There is something
infinitely healing in the repeated refrains of nature the assurance
that dawn comes after night, and spring after winter.
- Rachel Carson
[Jan 1, 2005] One of our winter projects here at OAR is updating our award-winning web site. Over the next month or two we're going to be changing things around a bit. We hope you will enjoy the result, but things are going to be a bit messy in the meantime. Please bear with us while we make our changes view. Happy New Year and thank you for your support!
OAR receives award from Massachusetts Audubon Society
At a ceremony on November 5, 2003 the Organization for the Assabet River was awarded Massachusetts Audubon Societys Audubon Awardthe organizations top honor for its ongoing commitment and caring for the environment.
In presenting the award to Betsy Stokey, President of the Board of Directors and Julia Blatt, Executive Director, Laura Johnson, President of Mass Audubon said This organization has worked diligently to further the cause of conservation and environmental protection, as well as broaden the publics knowledge. This is our way of thanking individuals and organizations like the Organization for the Assabet River for their exceptional commitment to protecting the nature of Massachusetts.
StreamWatch posting stream health data through Sept. 30
The StreamWatch Project signs were all around the watershed this past summer. Signs were posted in Acton, Stow, Hudson, Marlborough, and Northborough. The signs are down for the winter and will reappear next spring. In the meantime, drift over to the StreamWatch page to see stream conditions for all six active streams during the summers of 2003 and 2004.
Upper Assabet Riverway Plan Available
Inspired by the 1986 Assabet Riverway Plan, this new plan is intended to help municipal governments, planning agencies, town volunteers, conservation organizations, and others meet the challenges facing this fast-growing portion of the watershed.
Click here to read more and download the plan.
Assabet River Notecards Available
OAR is pleased to introduce our own notecards depicting the Assabet River in all four seasons, available for purchase from OAR.
These cards make great gifts and your purchase supports OAR programs.
The cards are available from the OAR office, at most OAR events, or can be mailed to you.
Click here to read more about the cards.
Want to save the Assabet River?
OAR's nutrient education pages have tips to show
you how you can help improve conditions for wildlife and boaters
on the Assabet. Click here
to start today.
Digital Federal Credit Union and OAR: An Innovative, Cutting Edge Partnership
Federal Credit Union (DCU) and The Organization for the Assabet
River (OAR) are pleased to announce that members of OAR are now
eligible to join DCU and take advantage of their full range of
affordable, convenient products and services.
